This week I have learned a lot about our British cousins across the pond.
In addition to their unexplainable obsession with headgear, I have found they are equally as fascinated with the opposite end of human anatomy: in short, the female "bum".
But there is one bum in particular with which they are enamored, that enthralls them, and sends them into spasms of delight. I know what you're thinking, and no - it's not J.K. Rowling.
Allow me to introduce you to Pippa Middleton, and her bum.
The picture illustrates what a devastating development this is, especially in light of the fact that she barely has one. What she does have is perky, though small, (and if I may add my two cents, rather flat).
Now, as an American, I can (though with no pride) appreciate the cheaper elements of any cultural phenomenon. But there's something so distinctly distasteful about this particular obsession, that when I heard they created the Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society, I cringed.
Really, England? I had truly held out hope that somehow, in some small immeasurable way, you were better than us. I imagined there was more sophistication in your tiny left toe than the total amount of alcohol Snooki could consume in a weekend. With nicknames like the "Minxy Middleton" and T-shirts that read "I'd like to be in the Middleton of that!", I am convinced that if there were a line to be drawn around the future Queen of England's sister - you have most certainly crossed it.

Perhaps I have yet to truly sample all the glory that English bums have to offer.
Or perhaps, I'm more American than I know and I can't deny the fact that bigger means better.
I mean, who can't look at J.Lo's butt and, for better or for worse, think, "Whoa"?
There really is no comparison.
In the end, I am in no place to pass judgement, nor do I wish to appear superior to anyone else.
I suppose, were I the ripe age of 27, I might fancy a few 100,000 people "Liking" a Facebook page strictly devoted to my ass. We only live once, right?
Well, now that was tasteful.
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