Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just breathe

Someday, I swear, this life will get easier, less chaotic, serene. No promises of when, it may not be until that part of life that is inevitable, death, but I swear, it will come....both the serenity and death. ;)
Random list of all the things goings on in my life and other upcoming events: mortgages and all the tidbits from my past, present, future, children's futures, my unborn children's future that need to be collected and submitted for approval. (I literally had to find my w-2's dating all the way to 2002-2006. (!!!!) I did accomplish the American Red Cross blood drive today. I got about 25 volunteers to donate. The goal was 28 with 3 DRC donros. I got 25 donors with 5 Drc's so that's not too bad for my first go 'round. (DRC's are double red cell donors.) I have a united way meeting coming up on the 9th. I have ali's pre-k starting on the 7th, I have dr's appts. (finally!!! finally got a pcm for the northern region!!) for me and the girls. Miraculously I was able to schedule a physical and pap for myself, a well visit and immunization catch up for Madi, and a pre-k physical for Ali all in the same day with back to back appts!!! Talk about good luck there! I have to work on thursday at the Soda Fountain after work and work a double there on Saturday, as well as get $25 worth of chocolates made for someone for a bridal shower 3 days earlier than expected. I have my class reunion planning going on, and let's not forget the planning for that other nifty wonderful thing that is oh so far away. I still have to get my financial info over to my lawyer to help him finish up the opting-out agreement so Paul and I don't have to go back to court on Sept 10th, and we can be divorced within a month or so from that filing date. I have yet to receive child support this month, nor have I yet to figure out what the hell it is that the child support unit in my building actually does!!!! Jerks. I have rent, two car payments (totalling $585 just for the two cars plus $110 for insurance!!) and a $98 cell phone bill along with all my other bills. I took 5 days unpaid this last pay period so between the loss in pay there, the lack of the $989 from support, and the $1034 charge for my return flight from London, yeah, I'm hurting quite a bit. Oh and apparently I need to add a Java update for my computer, as it is flashing in my face, annoyingly. :)
I know this soundslike a miserable rant, but I'm not really all that pissy....right now. :)
I'm considering taking the test for Oneida County Deputy Sheriff Road Patrol that is coming up in November. I mean, you know, it wouldn't hurt to see if I could pass the test...right? :) I think I'd benefit greatly from the training, I think it'd teach me to be more assertive. Either that or I crumble or turn in to a blubbering puddle before even getting to learn the lesson on assertiveness! hahahaha.
Okay, bedtime. BLAH!
That's it for now.
Too lazy to spell check.... So enjoy!!
I miss you my Crystaaaaaaaaahhhhhhllllll. :):):) xoxoxoxoxoxox