Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Off on vacation, you've left me to my own devices!

Besides, I'm Team Jacob.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I know I've been vacant...

But maybe i'm still just trying to get over the trauma of finding this on my sundae...

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Note Before You Go

I knew you were going to be in for a good time when I read this quote from Nobel Prize winner Enrico Fermi, who was asked if he believed in extraterrestrials. His reply:

"They are among us, but they call themselves Hungarians"

Pay no attention to the young boy before you, or the multitude of shaggy horned men that follow him. 
They dress this way in an attempt to scare off winter, and let me tell you:
 if I was winter I'd quickly change my name to spring.
The young men in southern Hungary march around the streets making "frightening noises" using wooden rattles, bag pipes, and drums. But, whatever frightening noise they make can't nearly be as awesome as the face on their masks.


Chasing the young women of the village, whose job it is to flirt back, they end this spectacle of a festival with a bonfire on the second day, which surely can't come soon enough.

My trepidation was alleviated by the photos of your hotel. Surely, no horned shaggy men would try to molest you in a palace as celestial and grand as the one you showed me. 
And then I found BudapestMadness.com. 
Have you seen this site?? What in the Sam Hill is going on here?
Let me just say that apparently, the British men find Hungary to be the perfect little hot spot to have their Stag Do's. With packages titled, "Girls, Cars, Beer, Spa" or "Flat, Guns, Girls, Beer" or even the catchier, more enticing package of "Girls, Girls, Girls, Beer" - I am inclined to believe there is more to Budapest than what meets the royal eye.
Just take a look at poor Matt, who had a Facebook profile devoted to his 2008 bachelor party in Budapest.

I sincerely question the idea of what his friends believe the term "friendship" means.
And, may I point out, that this was taken in the MORNING.

Perhaps I rush to conclusions. Perhaps this is no poor reflection of the city itself, but rather, the concept of what a Bachelor party means to British men. 
And that is definitely a topic to be dealt with in another post.

In the meantime, Au Revoir, my dear.
Or "BĂșcsĂș" (as they say in Hungarian), and good luck!

Nice shoes.

And before you jump to any conclusions...
she was the HOSTESS, okay?
Also, I wish he would have taken his glasses off. 
They're distracting.